Saturday, May 28, 2016

Te Reo Māori - Haka Powhiri

Over the past 2 and a half weeks, students have been learning the haka powhiri. The intention behind this is so that all students are able to take part in the welcoming process of manuhiri who visit our school, Manukorihi Intermediate. I have been impressed with the effort students have put in to learning the haka powhiri.

Students next learning steps: 

  • Learn actions
  • Welcome members from other classes within our school so that they are prepared when we have manuhiri visiting.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Possum Traps

Today, students had the pleasure of their peers from another classroom share their knowledge of the different possum traps (This happened through collaboration with another colleague). These students shared with my students 4 different traps which are used to trap pests like possums. I noticed how engaged (especially boys) students were listening to and observing how some of these traps worked. The students who were sharing their knowledge with their peers did exceptionally well, especially as it is not an easy task talking in front of your peers at times.

Financial Literacy - Maths

Student Learning: 

W.A.L.T: use our knowledge of adding and subtracting decimals through planning our own trip. 

  • Students took part in some financial maths learning. The aim of the activity was for students to plan a trip based on a budget of $372.50. Students started this planning today. 
  • Students were highly engaged in meaningful conversations. 
    • Talking about their budget, things that cost more/less, money they would have left, accommodation, travel. 
    • I noted students using the mathematic strategies learnt for both addition and subtraction. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Yr 7 - Fabric

Year 7 Fabric Tech
The Year 7’s have just completed their first cycle in fabric technology.

The main focus this cycle has been on learning to “drive” the sewing machines. 

They have learnt:-
·      the main parts of the sewing machines
·      how they work
·      how to thread them
·      how to sew. 

They have been given lots of opportunity to develop their machine control using both a straight and zig zag stitch through producing a piece of crazy patchwork. 

As well as these practical elements of Fabric Technology the students have also been introduced to the idea of a Design Brief, fitting into the Technological Strand of the New Zealand Technology Curriculum.
They have learnt about:-

A CONCEPTUL STATEMENT containing an outcome, what they are making, a STAKEHOLDER, who they are making it for and a NEED, why they are making it.
This learning has all taken place as the students have been working on producing a piece of crazy patchwork which they have selected to turn into a pillow once complete.  Those who did not quite complete their pillows will have the opportunity to do so next visit.

Fiona Smale
Fabric Technology Teacher

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Session at Sewing

Today's session was pretty much a blur. The overlocker overwhelming with the sound of the needles sewing through the fabric. Newspaper layered as another floor and table. It was a full on day.
By: Rhyanna

Room 10 year 7s have started a sketch of all the things we know in Taranaki we write down what we know in Taranaki on a piece of paper that you see down the bottom. Here are some partly finished sketches below.

Peter Strain - yr 7s

We have started a drawing of Peter Strains art work. He uses smaller and bigger words so it draws the person attention who is looking at it. Here is some example of room 10s yr 7s art work.